Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Free traffic for you in 2 steps

Here is one great site where you can leave your advert. With a little effort of about 5-10 minutes you could get huge traffic.. even if you don't want to spend much time on it, you could get at least decent sum of traffic just for registering and leaving this method in two or three signatures on forum.

It is worth to try..

Before you can register you must view 6 sites available to you and you will get 6 codes, one from each site -- then you input those codes and you can register and fill your details. After you have registered your site will be show on first place and other people wanted to register will have to click on your site, that's first 6 visits. After that your site is placed on second place and their is on first.

You must consider fact that visits will rise exponentially, not linear and that's what I am looking for but first I need to build a little downline of two or three persons..

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Care2 - interesting website for publishing own stories

While I was surfing a web I found this great website - Care2

I was always wondering if there is some site like this and now I found it. Care2 is like Zimbio where you can publish your articles and read them from other people but here is one difference - Care2 has much more options.