Saturday, July 17, 2010

Care2 - interesting website for publishing own stories

While I was surfing a web I found this great website - Care2

I was always wondering if there is some site like this and now I found it. Care2 is like Zimbio where you can publish your articles and read them from other people but here is one difference - Care2 has much more options.

How? Well, whenever you publish new story you get points and whatever you do on the website you get the points. I must say that those points don't have money meaning so you can not get paid via points but what you could is to redeem rewards from Care2 sponsors. This concept looks great to me and in followin days I will try it.

This is not a reason why I am publishing this article here. Main reason is what? Traffic and backlinks :)
By publishing your stories you could get traffic to your website andnot any kind of traffic but targeted traffic since your stories will read people who are interested in your topic.

It is not necessary to register to read articles and explore the web so you are free to do it if you find this interested as a one way to get more backlinks and targeted traffic.


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