It is worth to try..
Before you can register you must view 6 sites available to you and you will get 6 codes, one from each site -- then you input those codes and you can register and fill your details. After you have registered your site will be show on first place and other people wanted to register will have to click on your site, that's first 6 visits. After that your site is placed on second place and their is on first.
You must consider fact that visits will rise exponentially, not linear and that's what I am looking for but first I need to build a little downline of two or three persons..
As you can see, this can be very good method for traffic but you need to find few people interested in such free traffic. I personally think that every way to get free traffic can be good depending on how much you want to promote it or put your efforts on it.
I have registered today and hope this will work good.. Below is link to register..
I will give it a try